(Opening photos thanks to Sonya German)Lat week, when I started writing this post, I had tentatively titled it "So now it's back to the drawing board."
I take it back.
I take it all back.
This is A Show About Rock and Roll finally opened at the Gelman Gallery. It now holds the record number for attendance at a Chace Center opening, about 250 people. Apparently, the weekend attendance after the opening was through the roof too. The show looks really sharp, and I am immensely pleased and grateful to my co-curator, Kat Hodges. She is my perfect complement, so terribly good at fine detail when I lose my attention.
We have presented the show to Chris Ho's Critical Curating class, to Brian Shure's Junior Printmaking class, to Patricia Phillips (new Dean of Graduate Studies) and to the Graduate Sculpture Department with our first visiting artist of the semester, Kenny Goldsmith.
Kenny (poet, reformed sculptor and creator of
ubuweb) was excited about the show. He came in and gave me some surprising and helpful feedback in the studio today. He is quite astute, really, and easily drew a line through my visual aesthetic and my interests in:
- narrative
- arranging objects
- re arranging objects
- lighting
- atmosphere
- community
He insisted that all aspects of my practice...collage, drawing, sculpture and curating are part of a single oeuvre and should be pursued equally.
His ideas for me included:
- Continue to work hard.
- Travel with the Rock&Roll Show.
- Curating a new show of work about R&R at a different venue (maybe Cooper Union?) with art students there.
- Eventually returning to Torino and curating a show about magic and alchemy...
He felt there was room for ego and expression, conceptuality and social sculpture - across the board.
Pretty fucking awesome.
TIASAR&R is on view in the Gelman Gallery at the Chace Center, RISD Museum, until October 25th, Tuesday through Saturday from 10-5.