The tears were stopped by one Charlotte Potter, and her team of Graduate Studies powerhouses.
She is the True Believer.
In improving news, movies have been projected, exotic cocktails have been concocted, and possibly the greatest salad ever came into being.

The Tiny Tuna oversaw the makings of one delicious salad,
and blessed it upon completion. see above.
(Nellie: here are the ingredients: mixed greens, chevre, dried cranberries, fresh strawberries, pecans, grapefruit wedges and balsamic vinaigrette. Sorry, no arugula in this one)
And then the Muppets (submitted by one George Terry) provided a needed and perfect break from writing (which with this blog posting devolves into pure procrastination). George and I sat in the truck the other night outside the Stop & Shop, and laughed ourselves silly when this came on the local radio.
OK, back to the thesis zone.
I've just been on a muppet frenzy myself. bought the tv series for mes petite nièces.
that was a terribly great 5 mintues....the swedish chef approves of the salad...
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