Tuesday, November 9, 2010

the week in screenshots

I am working at Bergdorf during the day, encrusting and bejeweling, and doing all manner of moonlighting jobs until the wee hours at night when I  get home. It's all work and no play for this girl right now, but I occasionally look at the internet to cheer me up. Here's the week in review, from high to low and in-between (as usual):

Ira Glass putting a medal around Terry Gross' neck at some sort
of Journalism & English Letters Awards Ceremony or Other. 
He's so tall, she's so short, they're so geeky, it's too perfect. Love it.

Amy Sedaris being swallowed by her dress on Letterman.
This is an old clip. She is the best.

George finally has internet in the poolhouse. Skype rules.

The Real Housewives of SNL Reunion Show, on Hulu

Le Voyage Dans La Lune, the seminal French film from 1902.

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