Monday, March 28, 2011

Dorky DIY

George and I got pretty nerdy this weekend. Between other obligations (helping out at the beautiful Golden Calf, checking out an old Jonathan Demme film at the dizzying Museum of the Moving Image, lunch in Astoria, Cookie Road coffee with Handy) we went to Home Depot and Michaels' Crafts in Queens yesterday, then came home to NV's beautiful house had a leftover dinner and made crafts. It was much needed quiet time. I made a hippie dippie tie dye fringe necklace with materials from M&J...I have been going to the jewelry section of the fashion district way too much, sourcing a job...can't help but get my head turned by the glitz. So, there it is, on me. (Hi friends) I even tried to make a proper clasp at the back. The incomparable Madame Fortuna will always be my official jeweler, but I just thought I'd have some fun.

Meanwhile, George made an amazing popsicle-stick model of a mold-making spinning device he needs to that I don't completely understand but think is beyond cool. More on that later.


Madame Fortuna said...

Genius at work!!!

Love the fringe
Love the monty python esque contraption.

love you both

dell said...

I love it. Wanna make me one?


Unknown said...

ooh, Dell, I sense a cross continental trade.